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Ghan Eden Agriculture & Ecology Enterprise

Overall Health and Sustainability through Education

"Let Food be Thy Medicine, 
and Medicine be Thy Food".
Hippocrates, circa 400 BC

Today, food is making inroads as an adjunct to traditional medicine. Medical institutions are making food a formal part of treatment, rather than relying solely upon medications.

Sugar and processed foods are major contributors to rising diabetes rates among children.

Over 50% of the American diet is processed food while only 5% is plant based.

The food as medicine movement has been around since the time of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine.

Historically, 1890 Colleges and Universities have endeavored to bring wholesome and nutritious foods to market while assisting local farmers in maintaining financially viable business models. GEAEE seeks to partner with prestigious institutions like Tuskegee University, University of Missouri, 4-H, Belize University, and Central State University to research, teach, and implement sustainable agriculture practices worldwide.